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Our Chrysalis Awards
for Remodeling Excellence:

2024 Regional Award
over $250,000

2023 National Award
Bath Remodel
$50,000 - $75,000

2022 National Award
Bath Remodel
$50,000 - $75,000

2021 Regional Award
Bath Remodel
$50,000 - $75,000

2019 Regional Award
Residential Historic

2018 Regional Award
Kitchen over $150,000

Advance Design Studio
Remodelers of Gilberts, IL

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Brianna Bardonner
Advance Design Studio
30 Railroad Street
Gilberts, Illinois 60136

2024 Regional Award
Addition over $250,000

This project showcases an inventive blend of modern and traditional elements, featuring a stunning 3-story elevator and addition. The challenge was to integrate the elevator without compromising space or style. The design solution was a 3-story addition housing unique spaces on each floor, with creative solutions and personalized touches on each floor.

Planted central in an open concept space is the glass elevator, with sleek black accents. Modern and classic styles dance together in the final result. It showcases a delightful mix of diverse influences and, most of all, creates a cherished sanctuary for its owners.