need for more outdoor living space caused the owner to consider moving.
When the neighboring home came up for sale, the property was purchased
to create one large lot. The goal to stretch the home across the lot,
when the existing home was thin and deep…to fit the original lot, was
accomplished with a new cabana/guest wing connected with a gallery made
transparent with out-swing arched French doors. Careful attention was
afforded to the massing of the addition to avoid the appearance of just
“adding a wing” onto the new side of the property.
addition of a new detached garage and pool mechanical room provided a
natural placement for an outdoor living room with a fireplace, all the
while enhancing the courtyard living surrounding the pool as the focal
new hardscape was softened with an encompassing landscape design that
succeeded in connecting the new front yard with the new rear yard. The
hard-coat stucco, pre-cast concrete caps and surrounds, concrete barrel
tile, and custom colored aluminum clad wood windows create a seamless
blending of existing and new.