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Our Chrysalis Awards
for Remodeling Excellence:

2022 Regional Award
Outdoor Living
under $100,000 

2020 National Award
Outdoor Living under $75,000

2019 Regional Award
Residential Exterior

2017 Regional Award
Outdoor Living

2016 Regional Award
Outdoor Living

2014 National Award
Best Outdoor Living

National Award
2010 Best Outdoor Living

2006 Best Deck/Porch

2001 Design/Build Award Sunroom

2000 Best Sunroom

The Porch Company, Inc
Remodelers of Nashville,
contact this remodeler

Industry Associations:
Professional Designation:

Nancy Moore
618 Vernon Ave.
Nashville, TN 37209
Phone: 615-662-2886

2000 Best Sunroom

Using wood in an outdoor environment is always a challenge. In the construction of this porch/sunroom, here’s how The Porch Company addressed the issue. They sloped the porch floor slightly and ran the flooring parallel to the slope and allowed for drainage with hidden grooves unde the screen panels. The panels are held 1/4" off the floor with the gap left open on the interior and closed on the exterior with a piece of trim. The gap under the panel is screened to block insect entry. Tongue and groove products were used on the ceiling, floor, and panel construction. The panels are stopped in place using a 3/4" X 3/4" strip on either side and are not nailed into place. The panels are then free to float allowing for expansion and contraction. The panels were constructed using butt joints with biscuit joiners to avoid mitred connections that ten to open up with changes in humidity.