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Our Chrysalis Awards
for Remodeling Excellence:

2024 Regional Award
Whole House Remodel
over $1 Million

2021 Regional Award
Detached Outbuilding

2016 Regional Award
Commercial Remodel

2014 Regional Award
Whole House Remodel
over $1 Million

2012 National Winner
Best Detached Outbuilding

2009 National Winner
Best Detached Outbuilding

2008 Regional Award
Commercial Remodel

2005 Regional Award
Detached Outbuilding

2005 Regional Award
Whole House Remodel
Over $500K

2002 Regional Award
Whole House Remodel
Over $500K


Michael K. Walker & Associates, Inc.
Remodelers of Sarasota, FL

contact this remodeler

Industry Associations: SBCCI, NHB, Nat'l Trust for Historic Reservation
Professional Designation:

Michael Walker
1793 Mango Ave.
Sarasota, FL 34234
Phone: 941-365-3301
Fax: 941-365-3496

2014 Whole House Remodel over $1 Million

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Conceived, designed and constructed over a period of five years, the project was designed to function as a gathering residence for a large family. Having traveled extensively, the owners' base architectural theme was to simulate an African lodge concept. The architect was determined via a design competition held by the builder. The design and execution of the project has raised the bar for both architecture and craftsmanship for the west coast of Florida. Utilization of the existing structure provided for great latitude with regard to the rigorous permitting requirements while maintaining a separate guest quarters and living area close to the ground level and beach front. The use of both exotic and indigenous materials has created a one of a kind family gathering resort, aptly named Ohana, which is Hawaiian for family.