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Our Chrysalis Awards
for Remodeling Excellence:

2024 Regional Award
Whole House Remodel
over $1 Million

2021 Regional Award
Detached Outbuilding

2016 Regional Award
Commercial Remodel

2014 Regional Award
Whole House Remodel
over $1 Million

2012 National Winner
Best Detached Outbuilding

2009 National Winner
Best Detached Outbuilding

2008 Regional Award
Commercial Remodel

2005 Regional Award
Detached Outbuilding

2005 Regional Award
Whole House Remodel
Over $500K

2002 Regional Award
Whole House Remodel
Over $500K

Michael K. Walker & Associates, Inc.
Remodelers of Sarasota, FL

contact this remodeler

Industry Associations: SBCCI, NHB, Nat'l Trust for Historic Reservation
Professional Designation:

Michael Walker
1793 Mango Ave.
Sarasota, FL 34234
Phone: 941-365-3301
Fax: 941-365-3496

2024 Regional Award
Whole House Remodel over $1 Million

Executing in ten individual work efforts over a period of seven and a half years to comply with rigorous coastal building limitations and standards, the project epitomizes the reuse of an existing non-conforming building with a conforming addition to create seamless integration of both resulting in world class architecture, design features and workmanship.