Professional Designation:
Rich Sololowski
PO Box 550148
Atlanta, GA 30355
Phone: 404-846-9600
Fax: 404-846-9800
1998 Best Room Addition Under
RLS Construction was
charged with the task of creating a master bath in a 30 year old home
that did not have one originally. The client’s goals were: it must be a
relaxing and serene atmosphere, low maintenance, spacious enough for two
people to use at the same time, and (here’s the kicker) it must
incorporate teak carvings that the clients collected on their travels.
The space for the bath was provided by an adjacent small bedroom. A
large skylight was engineered into the room to provide more natural
lighting, and by creatively planning the cabinetry, the teak carvings
definitely became the focal point of the bath. The use of teak cabinetry
makes the carvings appear as an integral part of the unit and really
sets the tone for the bath as an exotic retreat.